Bubble-Tea Maker Quadruples in Hong Kong Stock Market Debut
動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/bubble tea company/bubble tea company?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw
◎ Bubble-Tea Maker Quadruples in Hong Kong Stock Market Debut 2018-03-14 相關報導: - Bubble-Tea Maker Quadruples in Hong Kong Stock Market Debut BloombergQuint 【 https://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/2018/03/14/bubble-tea-maker-surges-220-in-hong-kong-stock-market-debut 】 - Bubbly market? Bubble tea maker shares rocket 300% in HK debut Financial Times 【 https://www.ft.com/content/0e395dc6-2765-11e8-b27e-cc62a39d57a0 】 - Bubble-tea maker triples in price in Hong Kong stock market debut The Straits Times 【 http://www.straitstimes.com/business/companies-markets/bubble-tea-maker-triples-in-hong-kong-stock-market-debut 】 - Bubble-Tea Retailer Has a Bubblicious IPO Wall Street Journal (blog) 【 https://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2018/03/14/bubble-tea-retailer-has-a-bubblicious-ipo/ 】 ◎ businessNOW – April 3, 2018 2018-04-03 相關報導: - businessNOW – April 3, 2018 kawarthaNOW.com 【 https://kawarthanow.com/2018/04/03/businessnow-april-3-2018/ 】 ◎ Pssst: Boba Guys is Now Open on Divisadero 2018-03-30 相關報導: - Pssst: Boba Guys is Now Open on Divisadero Eater SF 【 https://sf.eater.com/2018/3/29/17177320/boba-guys-tea-divisadero-soft-open 】 ◎ In Hong Kong's IPO Frenzy, Stocks Go From Boom to Bust in Days 2018-03-30 相關報導: - In Hong Kong's IPO Frenzy, Stocks Go From Boom to Bust in Days Bloomberg 【 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-30/bubble-tea-celebrity-eye-doc-inside-hong-kong-ipo-bacchanalia 】 - Fickle market, frenetic investors constitute HK's newly minted IPO blockbusters DEALSTREETASIA 【 https://www.dealstreetasia.com/stories/fickle-market-marketing-traps-frenetic-investors-constitute-hks-newly-minted-ipo-blockbusters-95258/ 】 ◎ Bubble Tea Market Development Trends, Key Manufacturer & Competitive Analysis 2023 2018-03-31 相關報導: - Bubble Tea Market Development Trends, Key Manufacturer & Competitive Analysis 2023 The Financial Analyst 【 https://theanalystfinancial.com/98965/bubble-tea-market-development-trends-key-manufacturer-competitive-analysis-2023/ 】