Bubble Tea Brand Boba Bhai Secures Rs 12.5 Crores In Seed Funding Round - Outlook India
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◎ Bubble Tea Brand Boba Bhai Secures Rs 12.5 Crores In Seed Funding Round - Outlook India 2024-04-24 相關報導: ◎ Business brief | Ascendis gets delisting nod, and bubble-tea IPO fizzles in Hong Kong | Business - News24 2024-04-24 相關報導: ◎ China bubble tea chain Chabaidao plunges on Hong Kong debut - CNA 2024-04-23 相關報導: ◎ China's bubble tea brands look to create a stir overseas - Financial Times 2024-04-15 相關報導: ◎ Bubble Tea Maker Chabaidao Debuts After HK's Biggest IPO of 2024 - Bloomberg 2024-04-23 相關報導: