Inside The Ground, the New Plant-Centric Café in Rittenhouse - Eater Philly
動態消息來源: Google 新聞 tea company/bubble tea company?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw
◎ Inside The Ground, the New Plant-Centric Café in Rittenhouse - Eater Philly 2024-04-19 相關報導: ◎ Bubble tea shop opening downtown Culpeper in June - Rappahannock News 2024-04-11 相關報導: ◎ B.C.'s first robot bubble tea shop soft opens in Richmond - Richmond News 2024-03-26 相關報導: ◎ First bubble tea business in town centre aspires to become a trend - Newark Advertiser 2024-02-20 相關報導: ◎ Guiji Plans International Expansion for Its Fruit Tea and Bubble Tea Business - World Tea News 2023-11-15 相關報導: